Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Giants beat the Patriots in Super Bowl XLII and drove many bookies out of the betting business in the process. Actually, those greasy mob types always cover their bets so I'm sure they'll be around to scam another day.

Kudos to Eli Manning and company for pulling off a huge upset. Mad props to David Tyree for catching a touchdown pass and saving the Giants with a monster third down catch on the eventual game winning drive.

Finger shakes go to coach Bill Belichick for leaving the field before the game was officially over. That didn't show much class, but neither did his cutoff sweatshirt. Oh well, better luck next year.
I was a bit shocked and saddened that the Patriots were unable to complete their perfect season. Don't get me wrong, in the words of former CNMI Governor Juan N. Babauta while addressing our economy, 18-1 is "still pretty darn good."
Too bad that doesn't get the boys from Beantown another ring. Sorry Junior Seau. Sorry Rodney Harrison. Sorry, but close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades. Maybe you guys should've protected Brady and let him pass. Instead, the Giants spent more time up Brady's ass than E.E. spends up Greg Cruz's.
Back to the matter at hand...

How about the Manning brothers winning the Super Bowl in back-to-back years? That's pretty cool. Nice to see Michael Strahan finally win a ring. He does things the right way. Maybe now he can close the gap between his incisors.
Say cheese, big guy!